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Calcium Chloride
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Product Descriptions
Usage Method:

Calcium chloride, chemical formula: CaCl₂,  mostly in white powder, flake, or spherical form;

Calcium chloride is mainly used as a gas desiccant and dehydrating agent; calcium chloride aqueous solution is an important refrigerant and building antifreeze agent;

Calcium chloride is also used in road deicing, dust suppression, defogging agent, fabric fire retardant, pigment production precipitant, etc.;

 Classification of Calcium chloride:

Calcium chloride can be classified based on its form and purity, as well as its industrial uses:


1. Forms


Anhydrous Calcium Chloride: A dry, white solid used primarily for de-icing, dust control, and as a drying agent.

Dihydrate Calcium Chloride (CaCl₂·2H₂O): Contains two water molecules per formula unit and is commonly used in concrete acceleration and brine solutions.


2. Purity and Grades


Technical Grade: Used in industrial applications and may contain impurities. It’s suitable for de-icing, dust control, and oil recovery.

Food Grade: Meets stricter purity standards for use in the food industry, such as in cheese-making and pickling.

Pharmaceutical Grade: Highly pure and used in medical applications or as a reagent in laboratories.


3. Industrial Uses


De-Icing Agent: For melting ice and snow on roads and sidewalks.

Dust Control Agent: To reduce dust on unpaved roads and in mining areas.

Concrete Additive: To accelerate the setting time of concrete.

Drying Agent: Used to absorb moisture in various applications.

Water Treatment: For hardness adjustment and impurity removal.


These classifications help determine the appropriate application and handling procedures for calcium chloride.

Application areas of Calcium chloride:

Calcium chloride has diverse applications across various sectors:


1. De-Icing and Anti-Skid: Melts ice and snow on roads, highways, and sidewalks, and improves traction.


2. Dust Control: Reduces dust on unpaved roads and in mining operations by absorbing moisture.


3. Concrete Acceleration: Speeds up curing time and enhances workability in cold weather.


4. Oil and Gas Industry: Maintains drilling fluid density and stabilizes clay shales.


5. Water Treatment: Adjusts water hardness and aids in impurity removal.


6. Food Processing: Used as a firming agent in cheese production and pickling.


7. Drying Agent: Absorbs moisture in various industrial processes and storage.

How to use Calcium chloride:
The method of using calcium chloride depends on its specific application. Here’s a general guide for various common uses:


1. De-Icing Roads

Application: Spread calcium chloride granules directly onto icy or snowy surfaces.

Dosage: Typically, 1 to 2 pounds per 100 square feet is sufficient, but this can vary based on conditions.

Considerations: Ensure even distribution for maximum effectiveness. It’s often applied before a snowstorm to prevent ice formation.


2. Dust Control

Application: Apply calcium chloride to unpaved roads or surfaces using a spreader.

Dosage: Usually 1 to 2 gallons of solution per square yard.

Preparation: Mix calcium chloride with water to create a solution, or use it in granular form for specific needs.


3. Concrete Acceleration

Application: Add calcium chloride to concrete mix.

Dosage: Typically 1 to 2% by weight of cement. Follow specific guidelines for the mix you're using.

Considerations: Overuse can affect the strength and durability of concrete. Ensure proper mixing and curing.


4. Oil and Gas Industry

Application: Mixed with drilling fluids to adjust density or stabilize shales.

Dosage: Based on specific fluid formulations and operational needs.

Considerations: Follow detailed industry guidelines and safety protocols.


5. Water Treatment

Application: Added to water systems to adjust hardness or aid in coagulation processes.

Dosage: Depends on water hardness and treatment goals. Perform tests to determine the appropriate amount.

Considerations: Monitor water quality regularly to adjust dosages as needed.


6. Food Processing

Application: Use as a firming agent in food products.

Dosage: Typically follows specific recipe requirements or regulatory guidelines.

Considerations: Ensure food-grade calcium chloride is used and adhere to food safety standards.


7. Drying Agent

Application: Place calcium chloride in a container or environment where moisture control is needed.

Dosage: Based on the volume of space and moisture levels. Usually placed in containers or packets.

Considerations: Replace or recharge regularly as it absorbs moisture and becomes less effective over time.


General Safety and Handling

Protective Gear: Wear gloves and safety goggles to prevent skin and eye irritation.

Storage: Store in a cool, dry place away from moisture and incompatible materials.

Disposal: Follow local regulations for disposal, especially if the chemical is mixed with other substances.


Each application may have specific guidelines or recommendations, so always refer to manufacturer instructions and industry best practices for the best results.

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